Tuesday 3 January 2012

Welcome Back!

Hi, it has been a very long time since I've posted on this blog and reading back I really do think it helped me express my thoughts and feelings so I'm back!
A lot has happened in the last 9 months and I don't really know where to start. My weight loss in the summer was successful but I fell off the wagon in the winter, like many, and now I am determined to get back on track.
With an amazing Christmas and New Year behind me, and an inspirational year for my fitness, I am planning to make this year even better!

To update you all:
My lowest weight, in the summer, was 9st 2 and I was quite happy at this.
My current weight, straight after New Year, is 9st 9. I have gradually gained this weight since September/October.
I completed the 5k run in June in 29 minutes!
I dropped a dress size.
And then I got lazy, unmotivated and distracted by a mountain of Uni work! I did feel bad for not going to the gym, especially as I was paying, but even worse because I could tell I was gaining weight. Every time I wanted to go to the gym, my uni work got in the way, but every time I was doing work, I felt like I needed to be at the gym. At first I did carry on eating quite healthily but gradually stopped eating as healthily and became unmotivated, stopped calorie counting and started snacking. I know exactly what I've done wrong so I do know what I have to change.

I was going to get up and go to the gym this morning but the weather is awful so I am going to leave it until slightly later this afternoon. This week will be a struggle to go cold turkey on unhealthy foods so from today I am going to try to reinforce some healthy eating habits and try to go to the gym at least twice to try and ease myself back into it. Plus, all the Christmas food is still in the house, which just tempts us to have that biscuit, these should be gone by Monday as we don't have too much. From Monday it is strict healthy eating.

I am going to calorie count this week and try to make sure I'm between 1500-2000 calories, which is quite a lot for me.
From Monday, I am going to do 2 weeks at 1000 calories to kick start my weight loss then 2 weeks at 1200 and then up to 1500 if the last 4 is successful.

As I am currently 9st 9 - 135lbs

My ultimate goal at the moment is to be 9st (126lbs) by 1st April 2012. This gives me 4 months to lose 9lbs and this doesn't seem too unrealistic.

Other goals include:
1st Feb - 9st 5
1st March - 9st 2
1st April - 9st 0
And then if I reach this goal, by my 20th birthday (middle of July) I want to be 8st 10. For my height this is in a healthy weight as my healthy weight according to my BMI is about 8st 4.

I may change these goals accordingly each month. Some people may feel that with these goals I am setting myself up for failure but I want to lose a total of 13lbs, so not even one stone, so fingers crossed this should be do-able!

To motivate me for every pound I lose, I will put £5 in order to pay for a new tattoo in April. And when I start to lose weight I feel that it will motivate me further.

Another one of my aims is to blog and journal my feelings at least 3 times a week, and maybe everyday.
I have devised a few meal plans so I will try to stick to these.
I am not going to punish myself if one day I eat something I know I shouldn't, I'm 19 so will go out for meals with my friends and boyfriend!
I am to drink much more water throughout the day.
My calcium intake also needs to be increased, mainly through milk and low fat yogurt.

Previously, I have adopted a low carb diet and felt like it did help me BUT I was barely eating any calories usually about 800 even though I did feel like I was eating a lot, so such a small calorie intake would stop me from losing weight.
I am going to try and have a balanced diet, including carbs, but less bread and more brown rice, wholemeal pasta and potatoes.

I am now watching the Food Hospital and looking forward to watching The Biggest Loser tonight as they help to motivate me with food and fitness tips.

Future posts will discuss my love for food, my love/hate relationship with fitness and a love of fashion and reading.

For now, I may go have some breakfast.
Love x

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