Monday 9 January 2012

Fitness Levels..

It is amazing how quickly your fitness can drop! I haven't really done any exercise for probably nearly 2 months and my fitness has seriously depleted! I knew I wouldn't be able to jump on the treadmill and run 5k straight off but I was surprised how out of breath I got as soon as I started running. Every few hundred meters I had to slow down to a fast walk just to get my breath back. With it being the first time back at the gym I didn't want to over do it and make myself sick or pull a muscle etc! I did 3k and once I'd come off the treadmill I was going to go back on but I thought better of it, I didn't want to over do it. I can feel my legs when I walk up the stairs now though! I did 5k on the bike, 3k on the treadmill, 5 minutes on the vile arm machine and some of the weights on my legs. The rotating arm machine really makes my arms ache but I am going to do 5 minutes every time I go to the gym so I am working my arms because I want to tone up my arms.

I need to do some interval training to increase my fitness. I used to do 100m sections, 100 walk (6.5km/h) 100m jog (8km/h) 100m run (9km/h) and then 100m sprint (either 10 or 10.5 km/h). This way I run 400m sections and then km's add up quite quickly and hopefully it will increase my fitness soon or a 10k will be out of the question by May!,7517
This websites gives an "Anyone can run 10k" plan and offers a training program

"Training Program
You'll be training in three different program styles each week.
  1. Low-intensity, long-duration cardio: This involves single-paced jogging for relatively long periods. Your aim is to keep moving for the entire time, no matter how slow your pace. Don't worry - you'll be alternating jogging with walking to catch your breath.
  2. High-intensity interval training: These sessions lift the intensity by reducing the volume. There's no jogging: you'll run at a fast pace for shorter spurts to make them manageable and your recovery periods will be inactive. You rest for the same amount of time that it took you to complete the previous run. For example, if a 500-metre run takes you three minutes, then you can rest for three minutes. Go hard!
  3. Strength circuits: We've showcased five exercises that strengthen your legs for running. We'll be putting the exercises together in the following three ways to really get your heart rate up.
  • Circuit: Complete 10 reps of exercise one, 10 reps of exercise two and so on, until you've done 10 reps of each exercise. Rest, then complete another round of each exercise until you've completed the recommended number of sets.
  • Freestyle: You can do the exercises in any order and the amount of reps you do at a time are up to you. For instance, you may start with 15 squats, then do 20 core climbers and 10 lunges. Just make sure that by the end of the session you've completed the total volume of reps recommended for each exercise.
  • Endurance challenge: Complete all the reps for exercise one before moving on to exercise two. For example, you might do 20 reps of squats, rest, and then do 10 more. This style will up the muscle burn and raise your endurance." 

I am going to start this program tomorrow, I just wanted to go do something in the gym today to 'ease myself in'.

So far today I have consumed 404 calories and burnt 420 at the gym! It does feel good to be eating healthy and really concentrating on what I am eating.

Love x

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