Tuesday 10 January 2012


I think I am seriously addicted to running blogs! I can't stop reading and searching for them! A few of the ones I just keep  refreshing are

I am reading a lot of interesting things and learning a lot about running and running injuries. I have read about foaming and icing etc which I'd never even heard of before! I may need some of these recovery strategies tomorrow as I did 5k today! I thought I better get on with it and just do it, to be honest, it wasn't quite as bad as I thought, it was very hot in the gym! But I am looking forward to getting my fitness up and running outdoors! I am going to try to go for an outdoor run at least once a week! 

I have been reading about Janathon and I really wished I had found out about it sooner because I would have done it (or attempted to)! I know you can do it from whenever in January and continue but I don't want to do it half heartedly! I will be doing Juneathon instead!
Whilst reading about Janathon, I found out about #plankaday! I don't really know much about it but what I do understand is that you have to do a plank each day and record your findings. I asked my brother to go first as he did an amazing 1 minute and 33.7 seconds! There is no way I can compete with this so I need to get some practice in! My attempt was 39 seconds so not too bad but definite room for improvement! 

A 5k was completed today! I aimed to do 4k today (so one more than yesterday) but I thought I'd keep going and do 5k. I did do quite a lot of walking and did it in 40 mins and 3 seconds. I'm not worried about my times at the moment, for the next 2 weeks I am just going to try and concentrate on actually doing the 5k and then getting my time better!

My meals today consisted of Tomatoes on Toast (142 cals)

A wholemeal pitta bread with ham and carrot sticks (chunks) (229 cals)

I didn't eat the cheese, it ended up back in the fridge as I didn't fancy it, so I didn't add this to the calorie count!

And I had a mushroom omelette and salad, but I didn't take a picture of this as I was too hungry and gobbled it down! Of course I had snacks and plenty of drinks in between these meals! :)

I have just going twitter! Mainly to record my plankaday efforts (poor at the moment) and my running efforts and to tweet other bloggers!

so follow me :) 

Love x

Calories: 901 (so far)
Km's: 5
Calories burnt: 507
#plankaday: 39 seconds

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