Monday 16 January 2012

Blue Monday

So apparently today is 'Blue Monday' the most depressing day of the year, but in all honestly I'm feeling pretty ok! I'm feeling motivated with my healthy eating and very motivated with my running and gym except I haven't actually been yet today. I was going to go this morning but then one of my gym buddies text me asking if I wanted to go to a circuits class tonight and one of my other friends has just joined the gym and wanted to go too. So I'm going to do that as apparently it burns around 600 calories. My gym buddy has also asked me to go swimming after the class but when the class finishes at half 8 I think it will be too late and cold! I'm going to go to the gym before the gym and do a short run and then go after the class and so another one if my legs are feeling ok.

On Saturday when I went for a walk my right calf was hurting and then yesterday, even when I did no exercise except being at work, my shins are really hurting and still are today! I thought after some rest and a good nights sleep they would be ok but they are still hurting this morning, like right above my ankles so when I move my ankles I get a bit of a shooting pain. I don't want to not to anything today, especially running, I want to get the Km's clocked up! I think I must have weak bones because to get what seems like shin splints after one week of running is pretty bad. I did do nearly 18km last week so maybe I did too much last week? I do not eat much dairy at all to be honest so I am going to try and eat more, especially yogurts and milk, in hope that my bones with strengthen a bit. I really don't want to have to have time off from running injured because even though my 10k is just over 15 weeks away I want to be more than ready than it!

I think I will try and do 2 lots of 2k tonight, or 2 lots of 1k depending on how my legs feel but try and increase my pace slightly. I know I need to increase distance first, I have officially signed up for my first Half Marathon, The Great Birmingham Run and my 10k application is in the process of being completed. With a 10k in May and a Half Marathon towards to end of October I have a lot to train for but a lot to be motivated towards!

I am eagerly awaiting the postman to bring my race and fundraising pack from Diabetes UK!

Any tips on avoiding injury, especially in my shins? What is everyone's 10k and HM times? Would love to know!

Love x


  1. I've never had a shin injury thankfully as I understand shin splints can be very painful. I have had a few injuries through running though, the worst was ITB which I had to have some physio for.

    I've also torn the ligaments in both my feet once when I fell over on the final corner of a race and more recently when I fell off a step and didn't think anything of it until the pain kicked in. I think warming up and down is very important, but before that you need to ensure you're wearing the right trainers as this will significantly lower your chances of being injured.

    In relation to times, my best for 10k is 44:38 and for HM it's 1:40

  2. With 15 weeks still to go before your 10k, you have ample time to prepare. Slow down... Your shin/calf/foot pain is your body speaking to you - "you're doing too much, too fast, too soon". Listen to it, and respond. This is the best way to avoid long-term injury. Back off on your mileage (down to 50% of where you are now) then increase progressively, adding no more than 10% to 15% per week. Don't force the pace. Once every 4 weeks, reduce your mileage by 20% to give your body a chance to recover, then return to the level you had reached previously. Based on 18km currently, here's the km you should target each week until your race:
    10 11 12 10 12 14 16 12 16 18 20 16 20 22 16
    (You won't require much of a taper for a 10K, but you should rest completely the 2-3 days before your race).
    Hope this helps!
