Friday 15 April 2011

Back on track!

I have abandoned this blog for a couple of weeks and unfortunately with that I seem to have abandoned by healthy eating diet too! So from tomorrow I am totally, 100% back on track!

My diet has been both good and bad over the past week and a half, the most calories I have consumed is definitely under 2000, about 1800 I think but I have just eaten the worst foods, foods worse than I would usually have eating normally. I have eaten Indian takeaway, KFC, McDonalds and Garlic dough sticks from and Italian restaurant!

I was determined to start really healthy today so I got up had a glass of milk (because I don't get enough calcium) and a banana and went to the gym. The gym was not totally successful because for some reason it was very very busy but I still burnt just under 400 calories. I have come to think that even though I know exercise is important in weight loss, every little but of exercise helps. When I started going to the gym last year, if I went to the gym on a day I didn't really want to go i'd hate it, and then I started to hate the gym! Today I didn't want to go, I seem to have lost all motivation and all I want to do is eat! I feel like a I need a big kick up the backside or something to really push me! But I thought well I need to do something! I went and it wasn't that bad but I have just come home and eaten a cheese and onion roll! And now I feel awful!
It doesnt help that after the rich savoryness of the cheese now all I want is chocolate or something sweet!
I felt the same yesterday after I had tuna for my lunch, I know tuna is full of good fats and oils, it is also higher in calories than a slice of ham or chicken so I did feel like these calories were wasted!

So far today I have eaten 563 calories with my breakfast and lunch, including 2 pieces of fruit and veg and a glass of milk so I;m not doing too badly, I just need to try and stop my cravings for chocolate!
I think my problem is i love food, and I don't usually know when I am full! It is usually around lunch time that I feel like all afternoon I could sit and eat and eat and eat! I would need to spend alll night exercising to burn off the calories i had eaten too! I don't usually eat breakfast and I think that this may be one of my problems, but once I start eating I feel like I can't stop! I have just eaten my lunch and I just want to eat more food, I dont know what I want just food.
I was doing some searching on the internet yesterday and I found a website that allows you to find out your 'ideal weight' for your height, age and gender.
My ideal weight would be 121 pounds, or 8 stone 9 as I understand it.
I am currently 9 stone 7.
I pretty much have a stone to lose in about 10 weeks! If thats not motivation then I don't know what is, but at the moment my love for food both healthy and not so healthy is taking over the motivation!

The really annoying this is that I look at myself everyday and think I'm not happy with myself and I know what I need to change.
Id love a flatter stomach, slightly slimmer and more defined thighs and bum and smaller upper arms,  mine have started to get slightly flabby!

I am going to make sure that from today I do not exceed 1200 calories, I wonder if it is possible to lose 5 pounds by May 1st this way?? I don't know if I'm going to be able to do it but I'm going to try!
I don't drink enough water either so I need to read up on losing your water weight!!
I will do my best to blog everyday from now on, I may even blog again later!

Bye x

Calories consumed: 563
Calories burnt: approx 400
Naughty foods: CHEESE!
Good foods: 3

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