Monday 28 March 2011

Swim & Gym

Well today has involved a lot of exercise! I'm usually at uni all day today so I just go for a quick gym session on the night and a tried Zumba one Monday! I really enjoyed Zumba but at £4 I didn't feel like i'd have a proper, full on work out, it was more like a bit of fun! I really would recommend it for a change of workout!
Today I have been to the gym for an hour and a half and then went for a swim. I usually go swimming in a 25m pool but this one was alot longer, maybe 33m and it was very busy so I found it harder than usual!

I used a different gym than usual too as my membership covers 3 local gyms, the machines were the same as my other gym but the layout was different and it wasn't air conditioned so it was alot warmer in there too! I really enjoyed working out at a different gym for a change of scenery and a change of faces but I was very happy to jump in the cool pool!

Today the healthy eating has gone ok, not great but ok. I want to do my best to eat healthily but I am going to watch my calories and try not restrict myself from something as I know this will make it harder for me a week down the line and I will give in! Today I really wanted a tasty desert after my dinner and made the mistake of going to asda, I ended up with Tiramisu, luckily it was an individual one and was 297 calories.

I am going to do "hidden" exercise such as walking to places where I would usually drive, I suppose every little bit of exercise counts! Today I walked to the post office and back, this is 0.5 miles away so in total it was 1 mile and because I had fresh air and different views I didnt feel like I'd done any exercise! Unfortunately I didn't do much running today but it is always nice to have a change of exercise so you don't get bored. I may go for a run tomorrow if not it will have to wait until Wednesday!

Calories consumed: approx 1000
Calories burnt: approx 650
Walks to the post office: 1
Naughty deserts: 1

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