Saturday 26 March 2011

Ok, take two!

So my very first post was in January and it is now March, I just couldn't get the hang of this blogging business so im going to try again!

For the past few weeks I have been trying to take seriously exercising and healthy eating, because that is the key to a great body right?  Well... I have been keeping a journal of what I've been eating and drinking and the best I can writing with that how many calories I have consumed and burnt at the gym.

My relationship with the gym is a love hate one! When I joined the gym May 2010, I loved it, but more as a social workout than an intense calorie burning work out. I used to go with a few friends a few days a week but it wasn't particularly hard work. But I had something to aim for, going away on holiday with a friend, so I wanted to look good. And I feel like I did! But after I'd been away twice last year, abroad once and in the UK another, I had no motivation or intensive to go. As the gym sessions dwindled and the weather got colder I practically stopped going to the gym all together! I'd go maybe once or twice every few weeks and hate every minute of it so I quit!

But I was unhappy with myself and my body, especially in the winter so when January came I rejoined, and until March I was still in the hate part of my relationship. Now, I can't wait to go to the gym! Especially this week, I've been getting up early to go, even if its just for 45 minutes and trying my very best to eat healthily. Because I have given up sliced bread and biscuits for lent I think that this is helping me when it comes to finding healthy meals or snacks!

I have an aim of losing about a stone, and toning up but also running a 5k race in June and despite the fact that no one really wants to do it with me, today I am going to sign up and commit myself to doing it! Wish me luck! x

So far today:
Calories: 444
Exercise: None - Oops, I'm going on the cross trainer now I promise!
Naughty foods: 1

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